Thursday 6 April 2017

Reintroducing Room 207 Press

So the title of this blog has changed.

When I started blogging again I was really just using it as a way to document the development of my game Chariot (which got written, and you can buy here), but the game was about things that I'd always cared about, and so naturally I branched into writing about them more directly. And after the game got done, and now I've got the proofs of the supplement, Cosmic Memory, ordered (and soon to go out to backers), it seems time to recognise that I've extended beyond Chariot and into film reviews, and criticism, and fiction.

The Age of Miracles is about ready to go out into the wild, Cosmic Memory is finished and in proofing, and this, I suppose, is where I reveal that I'm publishing a short collection of fiction, entitled this is not a picture. Backers of Chariot and The Age of Miracles will see their print copies of Cosmic Memory and The Age of Miracles respectively in the next few weeks; all the books will go on public sale at around the time I do the Swansea Comics and Gaming Convention, where I'll be doing at least one panel as well. We Don't Go Back might get a book treatment too, and there's an off-on-off-on educational project that might yet come off.

In point of fact I've been self publishing as Room 207 Press since I did Memory Sticks in 2009, and Chariot had the imprint anyway; it seems only right that I own it properly.

The name's simple enough: when I was in my first year at uni, they put me in Room 207, Neuadd Sibly (which is now called Kilvey); when I moved into Beck House in my final year of uni, I was in the Annexe, Room 207. When I worked for the final two years of my postgraduate studies for Mr Breast you could reach my desk by dialling 207.

I'm not superstitious, really. I just like the number 207. And since I'm publishing more than just Chariot (and any second edition of Chariot will be published by someone else), it's time to accept that I've branched out.

The old URL works, by the way, so while this is now, addresses still work. All of it works.